Let’s face it: we’re all looking for a simple way to block spam calls. Well, you can stop searching for the answer because we’ve got 4 easy, no-fail ways to do so(disclaimer: don’t try the first 3 at home).
1.Turn Off Your Phone For Good
If you want to ensure that you’ll never receive a spam call again, then just turn off your phone and never turn it on again. This will also mean that you won’t receive calls from your friends and family, but hey – at least you’ll be able to prevent spammers!
2.Break Your Phone Every Time You Get A Spam Call
If you’re not ready to turn off your phone for good, then you can always just break your phone by smashing it down every time you get a spam call. This way, at least you’ll be able to see when your friends and family are calling (and other desired callers too). It could be rather costly however to adopt this method of blocking spam calls.
3.Cry & Scream Every Time You Get A Spam Call
For those that don’t want to turn off or break their phone, they can always turn to the ‘cry and scream’ method (this simply requires crying and screaming at the top of your lungs when receiving these unwanted calls). This is likely to scare any spammer and scammer away before they manage to take advantage of you. This may, however, be rather emotionally draining and may also hurt your throat at a certain point.
4.Download CallApp
If the methods mentioned above didn’t seem to be feasible for you, then there’s always CallApp. It simply requires downloading the free app from the Google Play Store. The rest is pretty much covered for you and you can trust that you’ll never receive a spam call again.
So what spam blocking method are you opting for?
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