Here at CallApp, our goal is to provide our worldwide users with the best possible calling experience.
What does that mean? That means that all year long, we work day and night to come up with new and improved ways to offer you unbeatable features, constantly tweaking them to perfection.
To sum up 2019, we had an exciting off-site event to celebrate our successes, and understand what worked (and what didn’t work so well).
We were quite proud of ourselves to say the least – and it of course can be accredited to our team of superheroes here at CallApp. But also, to all of you, our loyal users who keep us going. So thank you all for that!
As we reflected back on this past year at our recent event, we also established our goals for 2020.
We’ve got an exciting year ahead of us, with lots of treats in store (so stay tuned for what’s to come…very soon!). We promise, we won’t let you down.
Part of our special event included some team building and bonding – over a rather strange, yet super creative challenge (we didn’t come up with it ourselves unfortunately). Each team was given some spaghetti, tape, string and a marshmallow.
What could you possibly do with these materials?

Well, each team was given a mere eighteen minutes to build the tallest tower possible. While it sounds rather simple – the tower had to also be able to hold up a marshmallow for a minimum of thirty seconds, making this challenge all that more complex….
Regardless of who won the grand prize (the leftover marshmallows,) everyone did a really great job). And the real point of the challenge was not only to practice some team building, but also to go through the design process from top to bottom – including thinking, doing, prototyping and iteration.

Basically, we’re doing everything we can to ensure that CallApp is the best possible calling app, and you can surely count on that.