Easter Sunday has finally arrived, and although we may not be able to celebrate with all of our loved one’s this time around, they are not only surely still with us in spirit, but we can celebrate together from a distance!
Here at CallApp, we’ve decided to do everything we possibly can to make that happen, because we know how hard of a time it is right now, and how special of a holiday easter truly is.

So while we already have our personalized call screens to help you stay smiling as you relive all the beautiful memories at every ring and stay in touch with your friends and family – we also wanted to offer our loyal users another treat, one that’s better than any chocolate easter egg yet….
We’re offering our users free easter themes, filled with bunnies, chocolates, eggs and festive vibes to help get you in the holiday spirit, and have a virtual celebration in the place where you spend most of your time….your phone and of course more specifically, on CallApp!
Enter our in-app store now to claim your free theme & celebrate in style.