As usual, CallApp is here with (another) all-new and exciting feature! This time around, we’re actually offering you the ability to back up your files! Yeah, we know – crazy right? How could it be that after already offering so much, we’ve now got a backup feature? Well, that’s because we’re here to back you up in any way we possibly can….pun totally intended. But in all seriousness, here’s everything you need to know about our Backup feature.
Our new Backup feature allows you to backup all of your CallApp files, from your call recordings to your contacts, favorites, and even your personal video ringtones! Safely store your recorded conversations for future reference (you really never know when it will come in handy), and hold on tight to those amazing video ringtones you made with your favorite memories! You can also be sure to never worry about losing a number again!

CallApp allows you to do so within the application, without having to download another app and break your teeth trying to figure out how to transfer your files elsewhere. With just a simple click (maybe two or three actually), you can backup your files either through Dropbox or Google Drive. It’s that easy!
So unless you don’t care about losing your files – backup now.