The Latest And Greatest Addition To Analytics & Insights

While many of you are likely already familiar with our incredible analytics and insights feature, giving you all the data you could ever want about your calling behaviors, chances are slight that you’ve come across the latest addition to the feature, which is exactly why we’re here to tell you all about it. Disclaimer: you won’t want to miss it. 

So what’s this exciting new addition to an already unbeatable feature? Ready? Drumroll, please….it’s personalized insights between you and any specific contact. Yes, you heard that right! Now you can not only see who you speak to the most (and the least), but you can also see your analytics and insights for any contact. 

A screenshot of the personalized insights feature on CallApp


Whether it be your mother, spouse, brother, daughter, best friend, boss, co-worker, or neighbor, you can now see exactly how much time you spend on the phone speaking to these specific people, and yes, including a breakdown of outgoing vs. incoming calls, to see which one of you calls each other more frequently.  The new addition will also provide a breakdown of day and night – showing you when the best time to reach this specific contact is. Just when you thought it wasn’t possible, our analytics and insights feature just got that much better.  



CallApp also offers the unique ability to keep notes under a contact’s details, to have everything in one, organized place – ensuring that you never have to look further for the information you need for anyone in your phone book. And that’s not to mention the fact that we also provide easy access to the social media feeds of your contacts – with direct links to these platforms under each and every contact’s profile.

Calling has literally never been easier. Download CallApp now for all the analytics you need to perfect your calling experience.