You’re holding your phone, playing around with some apps, flipping through some pictures, and all of a sudden, you’re caught off guard, and your phone starts to ring. But within a split second, before you can even think about answering, the caller has already hung up the phone.
How could you possibly have reacted any faster? You couldn’t have – and that’s exactly the catch behind these one-ring scams. You have a closer look – and realize that this long, foreign number looks pretty familiar, and in fact might be one that calls you on a regular basis around this time, but somehow, you always seem to miss it.

You’re likely to be super curious as to who’s trying to reach you – and even more likely to be worrying that it’s about some important matters. And while there’s of course always the chance that it is a call you’d want to answer, it’s honestly more likely that it’s a scammer who had their fingers crossed you would do what they assumed you would – which is to call them right back.
Calling them would probably leave you with a seriously hefty phone bill. Generally, the scammer who called you, hung up and managed to trick you into calling back will get a cut of the charge that’s made to you. It’s a clever, yet unfortunate scam that touches on the human nature of curiosity. We’re all constantly thinking about what we could be missing – which is why we are very likely to return that call from that unknown, unanswered number.

So while the curiosity is going to kill you, do not call those numbers back! If it’s really important, they’ll leave a message. And if there’s a number that’s constantly trying to scam you – then block them with CallApp!