So you want to establish better connections? Great. You better believe that the rest of us are literally right here with you. So how can you do it? Well, you can start by focusing on some simple solutions – which include a few free calling features we can offer you. Yes, it all starts with your connections on the phone, because otherwise how will you ever organize to meet up with these people in person? Exactly.
Let’s start by the fact that with CallApp, you can be sure to always know who’s calling with Caller ID. And how does this help you establish better connections, you may ask? Well for one, you can address the person by their name, making them feel like a VIP that you were anxiously awaiting to hear from. It also reduces that initial awkwardness of asking who’s calling – especially if you don’t have their number saved. And when it comes to a Whatsapp message from an unknown number? Well that’s a whole other story! Our CallApp+ feature enables users to identify numbers from (just about) every social media platform, also saving you that awkwardness of not having saved a number and wanting to remain professional or polite. You’re already so much more connected!

But if you really want to show those around you that you truly value what they’re saying, then be sure to show them! Remember even the smallest of details of your conversation by taking advantage of call recording. Before you speak to them again, go over your past conversation to refresh your memory – and show them how important they are to you.

With our personalized call reminders, you can also be much more on top of your calls – receiving both reminders about your missed calls (with even more frequent reminders for those calls that are truly important to you) and even about the calls you made that weren’t answered in order to actually follow up without forgetting. Your connections just keep getting stronger and stronger with CallApp…and it doesn’t even end here.