CallApp is an all-encompassing app.
While we are known primarily for our Call Blocker and Caller ID abilities, we have a range of other features that are here to make your life that much easier. One of them is our ID+ feature.

All In One Identification
In the 21st century we communicate with people in other ways far beyond just calls, whether Whatsapp, Viber, SMS and many more IM applications. ID+ here for you, allows you to instantly identify the people who communicate with you in a variety means of communication.

How to use ID+
With a simple click, the people who communicate with you will no longer be confidential.
Just tap on ID+ icon.

Why It’s Worth It
Being able to identify people not just in conversations is a necessary thing today, so we do most of our communication on a daily basis. Most of the spam we receive today is in IM messages and here is exactly how CallApp helps to protect you so that you can identify those who are talking to you.
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